eDPI Calculator
  • mouse DPI
    Dots per inch (DPI) is a measurement of how sensitive a mouse is. The higher a mouse’s DPI, the farther the cursor on your screen will move when you move the mouse. A mouse with a higher DPI setting detects and reacts to smaller movements.
    Chris Hoffman (www.howtogeek.com)
  • gps_fixed Sensitivity
    Your Sensitivity can be found and changed by typing sensitivity into your CS:GO developer console: CS:GO Console Screenshot
  • input Raw Input
    TL;DR: basically, if you have your windows mouse settings at 6/11 and smoothing off raw input will not effect your sensitivity at all. What it will effect are "feel", which honestly might be a placebo. I recommend trying both and just using what you feel best from a blind test (have someone else change the settings for you and don't look at them)
    /u/pwnify (https://redd.it/3n3mva)

    Can be changed by typing m_rawinput "1" into your CS:GO developer console. 0 = off; 1 = on.
  • desktop_windows Windows sensitivity
    Can be found and changed by pressing Windows + R and typing main.cpl, run it and click on the pointer options tab.

480 eDPI
  • mouse DPI
    Dots per inch (DPI) is a measurement of how sensitive a mouse is. The higher a mouse’s DPI, the farther the cursor on your screen will move when you move the mouse. A mouse with a higher DPI setting detects and reacts to smaller movements.
    Chris Hoffman (www.howtogeek.com)
  • settings eDPI
    eDPI stands for Effective DPI. This number describes your "real" sensitivity.
1.2 Sensitivity